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On the occasion of the visit of the Revma. Mother General Tomazina Costa Bontorin, to Brazil, she brings a great desire to found a new house in order to expand the Congregation. The place chosen was the Holy Spirit. She was Provincial Superior at this time Sister Antonieta Farani who, excited by this ideal, soon sought to realize the dream.
The Rt. Father Fernando, Cp. resident in Colatina - Espírito Santo, had already made the invitation many times, but now this was reality. On February 23, 1963, the first Sisters chosen for the foundation left St. Paul for St. Silvano: Sr. Angelica Fiorese, Sr. Lucina, Sr. Hermenegilda, accompanied by Provincial Sr. Antonieta Farani and Sr. Matilde Teixeira and Rosa Trondi.
In March of the same year, school activities begin. Two sisters teach in the Parish Gymnasium the primary course and one in the kindergarten.
The purpose for which this school was opened was to provide children with care for children and adolescents with an education focused on quality Christian values %u200B%u200Bthat contemplated the passion of Jesus. In the area of %u200B%u200Bspirituality, the sisters would be responsible for the Eucharistic crusade, catechism, daughters of Mary and altar boys.
In the beginning it was called “João XXIII Professional School”, over time it was renamed “João XXIII Institute”. Continuing this story since 1963 and being part of the Passionist Education Network, today it is called Passionist College John XXIII, named after the great Pope of Peace. This name was chosen at the death of the Pope, who left great marks in the Church with great renewals always seeking Peace.
The John XXIII Passionist College offers Early Childhood Education (nursery I to Child II) and Elementary School I and II (1st to 9th grade).
The College carries out in its daily life the Passionist Pedagogical Proposal, based on the kindness, firmness and memory of Christ's passion, providing students with innovative learning without neglecting Christian formation and values %u200B%u200Bthat favor the construction of a more inclusive society. happy.
System Brasília
Mãe da Sta. Esperança
Passionista College João XXIII
Rua João Pretti, 189 - São Silvano - Colatina - ES
CEP 29703-215
  •   (27) 3722-3342 / 3721-2989 / 3721-7784
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